Explore Google Backed Event for Cambodia Developers in April 2016: Women Techmakers & Android Study Jam


Women Techmakers? Google's global program for women in technology. WTM creates visibility so that the world knows you. WTM creates resources so that you've got the skill-sets needed in tech industry. WTM creates community so that you're connected, inspired and motivated to realise your dream and passion.

Android Study Jams? Google's community program providing code-labs about Android technology for beginners. At the end of the session, participants who complete the assigned tasks will get certificate.

Are you interested now? IT IS FREE! Join us here: http://bit.ly/wtmp

Below is the agenda for the full event

Google Doodle celebrates 200th birthday of mathematician "George Boole"

Google Doodle celebrates 200th birthday of mathematician. George Boole is known as the “father of the information age” because of his contributions to modern computer science through his invention of Boolean algebra.

George Boole